Moreover, I
also think that this Canon is “fading” as the author says, because we have
a very large kind of readings that traditionalists wouldn’t include in this
“Canon”. In my opinion, you do your own Canon from the moment you begin to
read. It’s obviously true that every young child should read first all these
classics to make his own Canon in order to be a good reader. In addition to
this, I think that it’s a pity that comic books, magazines or detective books aren’t
considered as a “Canon” since I really enjoy them. Fromm y point of view, The
books that traditionalists consider as “trash” have also inspired good novels
or films, which could be considered as a “a Canon or a a Classic”, like for
example The Adventure of Tintin (Les Aventures de Tintin) or in Spanish
“Mortadelo and Filemón”, which I reckon they should be part of these classics
is a few years’ time. But, the best example we have got in Spanish literature
is “El Quijote”, which is obviously considered a canon, but whose origins are
based on chivalry book. These books were considered as “trash” literature at
that time.
All in all,
I think that “my Canon” is not the same as that of others. And you, what is
your “Canon”?
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