The film can
be considered therefore as a tragicomedy, on the one hand there is the tragedy
of the historical event and on the other hand, the funny way that Guido uses
his imagination to distract and protect his child from the situation. In my view, it’s understandable the “Life is
beautiful” may generate controversy. After all, the nightmare of a Nazi
concentration camp is difficult to portray through comedy. But Benigni
exceeding all expectations, crafts a genuine film difficult to get over. The
characters of Guido Orefice and his child, Giosuè Orefice, are the most
successful and important, because they show us how the innocence of a child can
change our point of view in dramatic moments of the film. Another very
interesting point is how Guido divides his time between getting into troubles
with the Fascists and attempting to court teacher Dora (Benigni’s real-life
In my
opinion, this film is worth watching more that than once, because is a masterpiece
of the cinema. It’s a film to make you cry and laugh at the same time and it
has an historical background. I highly recommend it to watch with whoever you